We covered how four dimensions of virtualization, CPU, Memory, Disk I/ O, Storage, and Network, must be properly managed with affinity ( dedicated resources) and without overcommitment. 我们将覆盖虚拟化的四个维度,CPU、内存、磁盘输入/输出(I/O)及存储、网络等应如何通过关联性(专用资源)被恰当地管理而不会过度承诺。
The key was the ability to load balance work across the available CPUs while maintaining some affinity for cache efficiency. 关键在于能在可用CPU之间进行负载平衡,同时维持亲合性以提高缓存效率。
AIX automatically tries to encourage processor affinity by having one run queue per CPU, which was discussed earlier. AIX会在每个CPU上都设置一个运行队列,以此来自动尝试推动处理器关联性的建立,这一点我在前面已经讨论过。
In these systems affinity signifies something more specific in that a VM's CPUs can be precisely assigned to physical cores. 在这些系统中关联性标志着更多的是一个VM的CPU可以恰好指派给多少个物理核心。
In addition, with a runqueue per processor, a task generally shares affinity with a CPU and can better utilize the CPU's hot cache. 另外,由于每个处理器都有一个运行队列,因此任务通常都是与CPU密切相关的,可以更好地利用CPU的热缓存。
Parallel data reorganization system based on multi-core processors is designed. And we tested the influence of CPU affinity setting. 3. 设计并实现了一种基于多核处理器的并行数据重组系统,测试了CPU亲和力设置对并行重组系统性能造成的影响。
Coordinate frequency affinity with thread group scheduling to conduct thermal-aware management of the CPU; 3. Propose memory affinity, which improves locality of accessing memory, low power temporarily unused memory rank, improving memory power efficiency of the memory. 结合频率亲和性和线程组调度进行处理器的热敏感管理;3.提出访存亲和性的概念,提高访存的局部性,将暂时不用的内存置为低功耗状态,提高内存的功耗效率。